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Melissa Wiebe's Blogs

Love reading and things associated with books.

Currently reading

Under the Wide and Starry Sky
Nancy Horan
The Word Exchange
Alena Graedon
The Invention of Wings: A Novel (Oprah's Book Club 2.0)
Sue Monk Kidd
The Lady And The Unicorn
Tracy Chevalier
Miranda Beverly-Whittemore
Mrs. Hemingway
Naomi Wood
Flight Behavior
Barbara Kingsolver
The Woman in White
Wilkie Collins, Matthew Sweet
A.S. Byatt
The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas, Robin Buss
Boxers - Gene Luen Yang

I first heard about this book from Michael Kindness on the podcast Books on the Nightstand, that he co-hosts with a colleague, Ann Kingman.  Not that I am gaining anything from this, but I would highly recommend downloading the podcast, as they have excellent book recommendations and discuss some really important topics and generally have a good time with it.

Anyways, after hearing the recommendation for the book and its sequel, Saints, I immediately sought out the books and being a fan of the Maus books by Art Spiegelman, it piqued my interest, even though this is more a fictionalized representation of the Boxer Rebellion.  I wasn't disappointed with the book and was able to get through the book more quickly than I had expected to, especially since it took me sometime to get through Blankets a number of years back.  I did think that it would take me awhile to get through the book, even though it was a graphic novel.

Source: http://jaynesbooks.blogspot.ca/2014/07/boxers-gene-luen-yang.html